Active Campaign

The Art of Active Partnerships

Cory Snyder, Channel Director for ActiveCampaign, joins Dobbin as one of GetUWired’s best and most trusted partners. They share insights from their decade long relationship and what partnerships and leveraging expertise can mean for small businesses into the future.

  • 4:27 – “One day, I get a call and it’s like, ‘Hello, Dobbin! It’s Cory Snyder from InfusionSoft and I just wanted to be the first person to let you know that you have been awarded to become an InfusionSoft partner.” How GetUWired helped to turn a lot of people onto marketing automation.
  • 7:30 – “It was one of the catalysts that really grew our agency from less than 10 people to a small army of incredibly talented young people.” How Cory and GetUWired broke all the international sales records with vertical programs at InfusionSoft.
  • 13:25 – “Jason, our CEO and Founder, looks at things a little bit differently: Where is the world going vs how do we make it work now? He is very into API, and he knows that the way we currently do API is not necessarily the way it’s going to evolve. How cool would it be to just drag over Shopify?” Cory talks deep dive integration—and overcoming its challenges.
  • 20:55 – “The culture within ActiveCampaign is awesome. We expect greatness, as you should with any of your employees. We expect them to honor the core values that represent them.” Cory shares a bit about ActiveCampaign’s culture—and its new barista coffee bar.
  • 30:00 – “I encourage you, if you’re an agency or you’ve partnered with somebody, to reach out to your channel manager and say, ‘Hey, how can we do more business together?’” Leveraging expertise to create more opportunities.

ActiveCampaign helps growing businesses make meaningful connections with their customers.

Visit ActiveCampaign to learn more.

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